Almost two years have passed since the release of version 1 of this document, then named „Network Coverage Service Definition“. During that time learnings were made, developments progressed and new uses for mobile network operator (MNO) data have been identified that go beyond the initial „connectivity coverage“ use-case.
MNOs have, due to the nature of their technology, excellent information about where people are an ideal source of data for ground risk assessment. Therefore, the concept of „population density data“ was added to the interface, at the same level as „connectivity data“ from version 1. Because of that the name of the interface is changed from „Network Coverage Service“ to the broader „Network Data Service“ term, to reflect that connectivity coverage and population density data are being handled by the interface definition.
It also emerged that, for the sake of air risk mitigation, cross border operations and other reasons driven by the various concepts of operation for drone missions (ConOps), the combination of data from multiple MNOs, or more generically, communication service providers (CSPs) or in short Communication Providers, will be sought after. The interface now facilitates delivering combined data coming from multiple connectivity service providers. …
Quelle / Link: Interface for Data Exchange between MNOs and the UAS Ecosystem