Anbei eine Aufstellung von aktuellen Beiträgen, die sich mit dem sicheren Datenaustausch beschäftigen
The case for building a data-sharing culture in your company
UK government ends one of its data-sharing contracts with Palantir
RARE-X and C-Path Establish New Collaboration for Rare Disease Data Sharing
Ensuring the success of data sharing in Canada
The Full Picture of Safety Operations with Data Sharing
Introducing Android’s Private Compute Services
INTERPOL emphasizes need for more biometric data sharing to tackle terrorism
Ford to share drivers’ data with insurers through LexisNexis
Australia’s agriculture sector is banding together to build a supply chain data exchange
Snowflake targets financial services with its first industry-specific data cloud
Domänenübergeifender Datenaustausch
How Intel is securing patient data through its pandemic response initiative
Big Tech giants keen to harness India’s farm data
Reference Data Models – Data Modelling with reuse of ready-to-use building blocks