Sicherer Datenaustausch durch moderne Authentifizierung

AWS European Sovereign Cloud. AWS will 7,8 Milliarden Euro in Brandenburg investieren

Intel vereinfacht die lokale Dateiübertragung

Confluent Cloud erhält zusätzliche Funktionen

EU-NIS2 zur Erhöhung der Cybersicherheit

Confidential computing and multi-party computation (MPC)

Apheris Compute Gateway – Let’s collaborate

Unveiling the Power of Blockchain: Transforming Data Sharing in Organizations

Trading Fairness and Sharing Accountability in Decentralized Secure Data Sharing

Tackling the challenges that organisations face when starting a data sharing use case

Protocol Converter for Data Exchange Between Different Controllers

Synthetic data: The emerging hero

eSync Alliance updates OTA data exchange standard to boost interoperability and advance SDV development

End to End secure data exchange in value chains with dynamic policy updates

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