“The development of a sovereign European data infrastructure is a key project for the competitiveness and digital innovative strength of our economy and for future-proof jobs in Germany and Europe.” said Peter Altmaier, German Federal Minister for Economic Affairs and Energy in September 20201. This applies in particular to the manufacturing industry, requiring digitalization to face global competition. Data sharing within factories and in the wider manufacturing ecosystems is a corner stone of the Industry 4.0 movement. Successful data sharing in industrial environments requires data sovereignty: enabling manufacturing companies to retain control over the collection and usage of their data. Therefore, this document describes how data sovereignty and its main concepts explicitly support the manufacturing industry to keep competitive advantages, to fulfill customers‘ requirements better, to increase the Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE), to create and implement new and future orientated business models and services with the trusted use of more data that is available today. In the following sections the main concepts of Data Sovereignty are briefly introduced. It is identified how and in which areas these concepts can be leveraged by the manufacturing industry and their customers. Find out if there are areas that are also beneficial for your company. Examples are given together with a recommendation to invest in these concepts. Finally, this position paper describes how the concepts of the International Data Spaces (IDS) will enable manufacturing companies to scale and grow with data.
Quelle / Link: Data Sovereignty – Critical Success Factor for the Manufacturing Industry